Renyuan Peanut Bio organic Fertilizer
Renyuan Peanut Bio organic Fertilizer

Contains peanut rhizobia,phosphorous and potassium-resolving active bacteria and rich organic matter, a variety of trace elements, etc., which can reduce the amount of urea by 300 kg per hectare and can effectively kill the adults and larvae of mole crickets, golden needles, nematodes and other pests. To achieve the goal of increasing yield by 15%-30%.
Contains peanut rhizobia,phosphorous and potassium-resolving active bacteria and rich organic matter, a variety of trace elements, etc., which can reduce the amount of urea by 300 kg per hectare and can effectively kill the adults and larvae of mole crickets, golden needles, nematodes and other pests. To achieve the goal of increasing yield by 15%-30%.
Science formulation design.
Activate the soil.
Early maturity to increase income.
Strengthen the roots and seedlings, prevent disease.
Improve quality and fertilizer utilization.
One hectare apply 4.5-7.5ton
2kg/package Bulk bag is available

Export notes:
Minimum order : 1 ton with one pallet
When exporting claim it as humic acid fertilizer
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