Formulation process
Water content 20-40% manure Treat to formulated commercial Bio Fertilizer
Status of Customer`s country Market
Customer`s country is the main agriculture products exporting country in the world,the consumption of organic fertilizer has been increasing in recent years, and the main importing country is Japan, European country, and China, and the Bio fertilizer has been the highest price among all the imported product. After out breaking of covid-19 pandemic , with unstable US dollar rate and increasing sea shipping cost,the imported organic fertilizer price keeps raising, which calls for Customer`s country local animal farm or professional fertilizer producer to local compost the animal dung and waste into organic fertilize.

Current problems for composting fertilizer in Customer`s country
There were Customer`s country big agriculture corporations installed sealed tank fertilizer fermentation projects few years ago, the facility imported from Japan, since the facility designed for giant animal dung with integrated animal farms,while the facility designed for the developed country environmental law of emission control standards.After operation, the buyers found the operation cost is high, hard to cover the cost,the projects has been abandoned now.
While in Customer`s country there are small organic fertilizer producer to local produce with small investment facility, but can not meet the major organic fertilizer trader requirement.
Basic condition for private farm and private organic fertilizer producer
In Customer`s country market the most trader of commercial organic fertilizer requires the standard products as:
Land: 3000 ㎡
Facility: 1 set of RY facility / per 10 ton of raw chicken dung needs 1 kg of RY EM composter
Dry matter(dry grass, hay): if needed
Chicken manure: source price / Pig manure: source price
Productivity: 3500 MT raw chicken manure per year, need labors 2 persons
Finish product: 2340 MT powder form of organic fertilizer(no package, sell as bulk)
Target customer of organic fertilizer producer
Whole plans are designed by HEBI RENYUAN BIO TECH CO.LTD. for the producing to High Nitrogen Organic Fertilizer (we call PREMIUM ORGANIC FERTILIZER). It can made from 40% -50% water content of Broiler or Layer manure which come out from fine condition of cage system. And all devices are chosen by trust able quality and successful result. Following subjects are explain each facility and how they work until forwarding. We all hope that this technology can contribute to Customer`s country livestock farmer and cultivator and supplying safe eating habits to the citizen. Facing current Customer`s country animal dung composting problems, we special design the production scheme with lowest cost, and simple formulation, to cut down the organic fertilizer production cost, make it feasible for private fertilizer producer.
Organic十non organic formulation
Bio organic fertilizer
Organic十non organic formulation
The formulation hopper machine in RY fertilizer factory Installed under ground

The formulation hopper machine Installed on ground

Commercial product Need adding ingredient Dosage The raw material ingredients price Remarks
Need to adjust higher of OM content of the organic fertilizer, and adjust the final pH lower Humid acid
80% OM contents(the grade)
Decide by the substrate of final organic fertilizer OM e ,in China normally 10-20% dosage Price for ex work
Checking the current given VN local chicken manure OM substrate, no need adjust the OM, only the pH need to adjust lower.
P.K can not be adjust
Only formulation of Humic acid, no need 2.9 machine.
Compound fertilizer with Chemical N. P.K This would be Non organic +organic compound fertilizer, RY will help to design the formula, or recipe according to VN local market.
Compound fertilizer with trace mineral This is organic compound fertilizer, RY will help to design the formula, or recipe according to VN local market.
Special tailored fertilizer for Customer`s order Based on customer`s special formula, recipe, RY will help to design its formula, and recipe.
Bio organic fertilizer
The functional microbes feeder machine is used to evenly mix the required functional microbes batch into the extruded organic fertilizer substrate in proportion, so a production line can easily produce bio fertilizer products of different specification which relating to the different microbes dosage .
The shifting of different microbes. If change the microbes for production purpose is rapid and convenient, which can improve labor productivity and reduce the scrap rate.
1.Purpose and scope of application:
The machine is used to evenly mix the required microbes batch into the fertilizer (powder & granular form) substrate in proportion, therefore a production line can easily produce bio fertilizer products with various functional microbes dosage. Realize non-stop of microbes shifting. The change of functional microbes is rapid and convenient, which can improve labor productivity and reduce the scrap rate.

2.Main basic parameters:
Hopper capacity: customized according to requirements
Conveying capacity of mixer: 0-100kg / hour adjustable
Mixing screw speed: adjustable.

The machine is suitable for dosage , or feeding material of powder, fiber and flask materials with poor fluidity. All parts contacting with feeding materials are made of stainless steel. The feeder is easy to clean and replace parts. Horizontal stirring is equipped to improve the flow of materials to the screw propulsion part. For materials with poor fluidity and easy to bridge stacking, vertical mixing will be configured.

Formulation with strain, finish product as Bio Fertilizer,which belonging to high value fertilizer category
The most expensive Bio fertilizer from VN importing records are Europe , Japan products.
Better requires the same product literature and specs from Omega and Alpha,most of them RY can provide competing
Formulation to replace. The most value of Bio fertilizer is it can replace many pestcide and chemical fertilizer which is must agriculture input for the exporting agriculture products producer.
The Soil modification strain Recommend dosage Plant protection strain Recommend dosage
Bio Functional organic microbes 1kg 20B in 1MT Organic fertilizer Root Knot Namatode 1-2kg in 1MT organic fertilizer
Bacillus Subtilis(B.S) 1kg in 1MT organic fertilizer Underground Pest control agent 2-3kg in 1MT organic fertilizer
Bacillus licheniformis(B.L) 1kg in 1MT organic fertilizer Anti Re-cropping agent 25 Kg  in 1MT of organic fertilizer
Bacillus Mucilaginosus (B.M) 10B strength
2kg/ MT organic fertilizer
Paecilomyces Lilacinus 2-3kg in 1MT organic fertilizer
Bacillus Megaterium(B.M) 20B strength
1Kg/ MT organic fertilizer
Trichoderma Harzianum 1-2kg in 1MT organic fertilizer
1kg package
    Metarhizium anisopliae  

The final products can be categorized as
A.Special fruit, vegetable fertilizer, like Dragon fruit special fertilizer, rice fertilizer , Durian special fertilizer
(Since both are Tropical fruit, RY no ready formulation, can be tailored according customers needs)
B.Also can be functional fertilizer like Roots strengthen, fruit bearing promoter
C.Based on current VN market most valuable bio fertilizer and category, that can propose the product recipe, RY will help to design the formula.

The final sales price of bio fertilizer, decide on current same category from Japan, or Europe, and the competition situation of VN market. Reference of the bio fertilizer from RY self own product line, which designed for the local market (Northern China corps)
Final products Product name Product features Dosed Strain& Price Dosage  and cost per ton Package cost The final products price
Bio organic fertilizer 1. With scientific formula, it can kill the adults and larvae of mole cricket, golden needle worm, nematode and other pests, and reduce the occurrence of a variety of soil borne diseases.
2. Activate soil, improve soil fertility, improve soil environment and increase the content of soil trace elements.
3. Green environmental protection, high fertility, strong roots, strong seedlings and disease prevention.
4. Improve the quality of agricultural products, low input and high output, promote early maturity of crops and improve fertilizer utilization rate.
Bio organic

China package cost
50kg bags,
Cost 20 RMB  per ton
Flower organic fertilizer 1. Complete nutrients and long-lasting fertilizer effect: after high-temperature sterilization, this product is rich in various nutritional elements and trace elements needed by flowers.
2. Good soil improvement effect: after use, this product can be absorbed by roots in a short time, and can promote the uniform growth of roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits. It has the characteristics of remarkable effect, lasting and soft fertility, no damage to roots, improving soil and improving plant disease prevention ability.
3. Strong activity and improved quality: after use, this product can promote flowers, bonsai and other plants to flourish, with strong stems, large flowers, colorful color and fragrant taste.
4. The organic fertilizer bacterial agent is suitable for viewing flowers, leaves, fruits, stems and aromatic flowers, such as tulip, rose, dahlia, peony, Rhododendron, chrysanthemum, Milan, jasmine, osmanthus, white orchid, nantianzhu, winter coral, Pyracantha and other flowers.
Compound of minerals Adding

1 kg per package

Soy bean bio organic fertilizer It contains soybean rhizobium, phosphorus and potassium dissolving active bacteria and rich organic matter. Bio organic fertilizer also contains a variety of substances to promote plant growth, such as a variety of trace elements, which can reduce the amount of 20 kg urea per mu and effectively kill the adults and larvae of mole cricket, golden needle worm, nematode and other pests, so as to reduce the occurrence of a variety of soil borne diseases, Achieve the goal of increasing production by 15% - 30%. Compound of multi
Single strain of RY strain products
***/TON ***/MT
Peanut Bio fertilizer 1. With scientific formula, it can kill the adults and larvae of mole cricket, golden needle worm, nematode and other pests, and reduce the occurrence of a variety of soil borne diseases.
2. Activate soil, improve soil fertility, improve soil environment and increase the content of soil trace elements.
3. Green environmental protection, fertility and high efficiency.
4. Strong roots, strong seedlings and disease prevention.
5. Improve the quality of agricultural products, low input and high output, promote early maturity of crops and improve fertilizer utilization rate.
Compound of multi
Single strain of RY strain products
***/TON ***/MT
Remarks According to Local agriculture standards of its living strain accounts in the bio fertilizer products.So the dosage based on the standards regulated living microbes number.China follows NY798, and Vietnam also has its standards of bio fertilizer, To label the products as bio fertilizer must comply the local agriculture standards  
Necessary equipment
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