Ground windrow composting model
Water content 20-40% manure Treat to POWDER ORGANIC FERTILIZER
Current status
Customer`s country is the main agriculture products exporting country in the world,the consumption of organic fertilizer has been increasing in recent years, and the main importing country is Japan, European country, and China, and the Bio fertilizer has been the highest price among all the imported product. After out breaking of covid-19 pandemic , with unstable US dollar rate and increasing sea shipping cost,the imported organic fertilizer price keeps raising, which calls for Customer`s country local animal farm or professional fertilizer producer to local compost the animal dung and waste into organic fertilize.

Current problems for composting fertilizer in Customer`s country
There were Customer`s country big agriculture corporations installed sealed tank fertilizer fermentation projects few years ago, the facility imported from Japan, since the facility designed for giant animal dung with integrated animal farms,while the facility designed for the developed country environmental law of emission control standards.After operation, the buyers found the operation cost is high, hard to cover the cost,the projects has been abandoned now.
While in Customer`s country there are small organic fertilizer producer to local produce with small investment facility, but can not meet the major organic fertilizer trader requirement.
Basic condition for private farm and private organic fertilizer producer
Land: 3000 ㎡
Facility: 1 set of RY facility / per 10 ton of raw chicken dung needs 1 kg of RY EM composter
Chicken manure: source price / Pig manure: source price
Dry matter(dry grass, hay): if needed
Productivity: 3500 MT raw chicken manure per year, need labors 2 persons
Finish product: 2340 MT powder form of organic fertilizer(no package, sell as bulk)
Target customer of organic fertilizer producer
Whole plans are designed by HEBI RENYUAN BIO TECH CO.LTD. for the producing to High Nitrogen Organic Fertilizer (we call PREMIUM ORGANIC FERTILIZER). It can made from 40% -50% water content of Broiler or Layer manure which come out from fine condition of cage system. And all devices are chosen by trust able quality and successful result. Following subjects are explain each facility and how they work until forwarding. We all hope that this technology can contribute to Customer`s country livestock farmer and cultivator and supplying safe eating habits to the citizen. Facing current Customer`s country animal dung composting problems, we special design the production scheme with lowest cost, and simple formulation, to cut down the organic fertilizer production cost, make it feasible for private fertilizer producer.
Details of facility
If decide invest in sales of packaged fertilizer, then this Packaging area need arranged.
Below quotation not include this package section.
This is packed product warehouse for keeping products before forwarding.
Calculation Floor space:500 m2
Power supply:3 phrases electricity, Maximum 100KW
POWDER PRODUCT STOCKYARD (finish composting)
This is the place where is keeping Powder product after Composted. Before process and after process of Rotary screen, also if need granulation,the powder form before process of granulation system also can stock in this yard.
Calculation Floor space:1000 m2
This Area must building roof to keep the low moisture, and also can serves for natural drying, the comment moisture Of organic fertilizer powder after composting is 30% around, For commercial specification of moisture is 20% ,One month stock can reduce t
The ground for the raw chicken composting,the working location of CRAWLER FILIPPER MACHINE. This is FERTILIZER WINDROW FLIPPER/TURNER machine made by Renyuan Bio Tech Devp. Co.,Ltd. It driven by the gasoline,to flip the composting windrow of raw chicken mature to fully contacts for the Aerobic Fermentation,the Output product is valuable PREMIUM ORGANIC FERTILIZER.
Processing detail refer to “PROCESSING PLAN”.
Calculated land occupation: 1000 m3
This is the place where is keeping fresh manure before input to GROUND COMPOSTING YARD PROCESSING. Normally, operation is input directly from the cage everyday but this stockyard control when the amount of manure is fluctuating and also case of emergency.
Calculated floor space:500 M2
3,500 MT Raw chicken dung (Yearly treated chicken manure),One batch can treat 234 ton per 15days in circulating The next batch 234 ton lest should be in stock , 15.6 MT of raw chicken manure ship in stock per day lest. If do not want to invest in roof b
Composting Operation flow
Necessary equipment
The organic fertilizer technology profile
fresh dung in windrow
Adjust the moisture adding water to 50-60%
Evenly mixing in RW EM com
Blending with Flipper machine
Measure the temperature
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