How much land area needed for building a small-scale organic fertilizer plant

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After the release of the No. 1 central document, the organic fertilizer market was booming in China again. Countless friends consulted about organic fertilizer equipment. In many consultations, I found that some friends are more concerned about the floor area of the organic fertilizer plant. In the following,Here will simply sort out the area required by the organic fertilizer plants with different annual output.
After the release of the No. 1 central document, the organic fertilizer market was booming in China again. Countless friends consulted about organic fertilizer equipment. In many consultations, I found that some friends are more concerned about the floor area of the organic fertilizer plant. In the following, here will simply sort out the area required by the organic fertilizer plants with different annual output.

1. Estimation of floor area of organic fertilizer plant
1. Annual output: 3000-5000 tons (10-20 tons per day)
There are many production lines of organic fertilizer powder, covering an area of 3 mu(per Mu equals 666 square meter).
2. Annual output: 10000-20000 tons (30-60 tons per day)
This plant needs about 5 mu(per Mu equals 666 square meter).
3.Annual output: 50000 tons (140 tons / day)The factory needs 20-30 mu(per Mu equals 666 square meter) of land.
Note: the above plant area is only an estimate, and the actual floor area also needs to consider the production line configuration, production line layout and other factors。

4. Plant layout
Under normal circumstances, the organic fertilizer plant needs raw material temporary storage area, high-temperature fermentation and decomposition area, aging area, fertilizer production area, finished product area, office building, etc.

Raw material temporary storage area: it is only used for temporary storage of livestock manure and straw auxiliary materials. If it doesn't rain often, it can be used in the open air.

High temperature fermentation and maturation zone: a workshop with a height of more than 5 meters shall be built. The workshop ceiling can be designed with color steel + sunshine plate.

Aging area: this area is only used for the aging of fermentation materials. It does not have high requirements for the factory, and only needs rain proof treatment.
Fertilizer making area: this area is mainly the fertilizer formula and packaging area, and the plant height should be more than 6 meters.
Finished product area: this area is mainly used to store finished fertilizer, and the height of the plant shall be more than 6m.
Office building: mainly used for personnel office and business negotiation.

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