Microorganisms in agriculture application

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The spore promoting and microencapsulation treatment of special bacteria has good stability in spore state, oxidation resistance, extrusion resistance, high temperature resistance, long-term high temperature resistance of 60 ° C, and survival time of 20 minutes at 120 ° C; It is acid and alkali resistant, can maintain its activity in acidic environment, and can resist the attack of saliva and bile.

Bacillus subtilis

1. The spore promoting and microencapsulation treatment of special bacteria has good stability in spore state, oxidation resistance, extrusion resistance, high temperature resistance, long-term high temperature resistance of 60 ° C, and survival time of 20 minutes at 120 ° C; It is acid and alkali resistant, can maintain its activity in acidic environment, and can resist the attack of saliva and bile.
2. After entering the soil in spore state, Bacillus subtilis quickly revives from dormant state, and reproduces into a dominant population with high bacterial content in a short period of time. It consumes a large amount of oxygen in the soil, and can produce hydrogen peroxide and bacteriocin, establish a micro ecological balance, promote the propagation of beneficial anaerobic microorganisms, and inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria (E.coli and Salmonella).
3. In the process of rapid propagation, a large number of vitamins, organic acids, amino acids, proteases (especially alkaline proteases), saccharifying enzymes, lipases and amylases are produced, which can degrade the complex organic matter in the soil, thus promoting the absorption of crops and improving the utilization rate of fertilizers.
4. It is safe and effective, no drug residue, no toxic side effects, can reduce the use of antibacterial pesticides and enhance plant immunity.
5. It has a good control effect on soil borne diseases such as Fusarium wilt, root rot, potato late blight and banana Panama disease of fruit trees, melons, eggplants, ginger, potato, yam, Panax notoginseng and ginseng. The mutant methylotrophic bacillus has a good control effect on various soil borne diseases, especially powdery mildew, root rot and continuous cropping.

Bacillus subtilis lateralis

Promote root growth, sterilization and degradation of heavy metals
1.Bacillus subtilis can promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in plant roots, inhibit the propagation of pathogenic bacteria, promote the growth of plant roots, enhance the absorption capacity of roots, activate soil nutrients (nitrogen fixation, phosphorus and potassium removal), improve crop yield and quality.  
2.Since the characteristics of high tolerance, salt tolerance and acid and alkali resistance of Bacillus subtilis, the drying temperature can reach 260 ° C during the production of fertilizer, which can improve the yield and reduce the water content, and is suitable for industrial production (the same conditions as the production of compound fertilizer). The inorganic nutrients of compound fertilizer produced by Bacillus lateralis can reach 30%, and the amount of nitrogen fertilizer can be reduced.
3.Its disease resistance is very strong, especially for fungal diseases and nematodes. It has the reputation of "anti stubble King Kong".
4. The decay rate of bacteria is less than 20% within 12 months.

Jelly like Bacillus

Release soluble phosphorus, potassium and trace elements such as calcium, sulfur, magnesium, iron, zinc, molybdenum and manganese
1. It can promote the dissolution of phosphate and potassium ions, and is conducive to the transformation of mineral elements from insoluble to soluble, and enrich the available phosphorus and potassium in the soil.
2. As plant root and microorganism, it can produce auxin, cytokinin and other bioactive substances to stimulate plant growth.
3. It can produce antibiotics and effectively reduce crop diseases. Bacillus peptone can form a dominant bacteria group in the rhizosphere of crops and inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria.
4. Produce a large amount of extracellular polysaccharides, promote the formation of soil aggregate structure, improve soil texture, and improve soil.
5. The biological potassium fertilizer with jelly like Bacillus as the main component showed a good yield increase effect on various crops in potassium deficient soil. At the same time, it has a certain nitrogen fixation effect.

Paenibacillus polymyxa

1. It has good control effect on soil borne diseases such as bacterial diseases and fungal diseases;
2. It has a good growth promoting effect on plants.
3. Bacillus polymyxa has a good control effect on bacterial soil borne disease - plant bacterial wilt. In the late harvest period, the field control effect on tomato, eggplant, pepper, tobacco, potato, Grosvenor fruit and Ginger Bacterial Wilt (ginger blast) can reach 70-92%.

Bacillus amyloliquefaciens

Bacillus amylolyticus has a strong disease resistance and bacteriostatic effect. It can secrete more than ten kinds of lipopeptide antibiotics and other antifungal active substances, mainly antifungal proteins and surfactants. These secretions interact with the lipid membrane of the virus physically and chemically, destroying the membrane structure, resulting in the release of intracellular solutes of harmful bacteria and eventually causing cell death. It can effectively inhibit the activity of plant pathogenic fungi and has strong bacteriostatic effect, It can also inhibit sclerotia germination and mycelial growth of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum.
It can effectively inhibit or alleviate the occurrence of Wheat Sheath Blight, cotton Fusarium wilt, cotton red rot, cotton Verticillium wilt, cucumber gray mold and blight, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum of rapeseed and celery, rice blast, pepper Fusarium wilt, Yam Root rot, Apple Anthracnose, ring rot, rot, brown spot and other plant diseases.
After the application of concentrated powder of Bacillus amylolyticus, it can rapidly multiply and colonize in the soil, and can effectively repel and prevent the plant pathogen from infecting the plant; At the same time, it secretes extracellular metabolites to directly kill or inhibit the growth and reproduction of the pathogenic bacteria. Bacillus amylolyticus adsorbs on the bacteria of the pathogenic bacteria, produces dissolved substances to digest the mycelium and cell wall, and causes the bacteria to break, disintegrate, perforate the cell wall, and play a dissolution role; It can induce the improvement of the disease resistance potential of the plant itself, enhance the disease resistance of the plant, and promote the plant itself to secrete a large number of growth stimulants, so as to promote the growth and reproduction of the plant and increase production and income.

Bacillus amylolyticus has obvious degradation effect on butachlor. The higher the initial mass concentration of butachlor, the higher the degradation rate and degradation efficiency. The degradation rate of butachlor under alkaline conditions is significantly higher than that under acidic conditions; The addition of humic acid can not only adsorb butachlor, but also promote the microbial degradation of butachlor by bacteria, and can affect the microbial degradation products of butachlor.

Bacillus megaterium

Phosphorus solution, with good effect of degrading organic phosphorus in soil
1. Improve the soil micro ecological environment.
2. The degree of cell wall thickening, fibrosis and lignification of plant related tissues increased. And the cuticular double silicon layer is formed outside the epidermis layer to form a barrier to prevent the invasion of bacteria.
3. By converting the ineffective phosphorus into the available phosphorus, the phosphorus absorption rate in the soil can be effectively improved.

Bacillus licheniformis

Resist disease and kill harmful bacteria
1. Effectively prevent aquatic animal enteritis, rotten gills and other diseases.
2. Decompose toxic and harmful substances in the aquaculture pond and purify water quality.
3. It has strong protease, lipase and amylase activities, promotes the degradation of nutrients in the feed, and makes aquatic animals absorb and utilize the feed more fully.
4. Stimulate the development of immune organs of aquatic animals and enhance body immunity
5. It produces anti active substances and has a unique mechanism of biological oxygen scavenging, which can inhibit the growth and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria.

Bacillus cereus

1.Competition is to seize nutrients through the competitive sites between endophytic bacteria and pathogenic bacteria, thus inhibiting the occurrence of plant diseases. The pathway and mode of Bacillus entering the plant are basically similar to that of the pathogen. After entering the host body, Bacillus preferentially occupies the invasion point of the pathogen and competes for nutrition with the pathogen.
2. Antagonism    Endophytic bacteria produce antibacterial substances through assimilation to inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria or directly kill pathogenic bacteria. Bacillus can secrete a variety of antifungal and bacterial antagonistic substances (new antifungal cyclic polypeptide APS). These substances have a broad antibacterial spectrum and long-lasting antibacterial effect, and have a significant inhibitory effect on spore germination and hyphal growth of pathogenic fungi.
3.Induced plant resistance
(1) Bacillus can induce the host plant to produce some physical and structural resistance, and deposit a large amount of wood and phenolic substances at the parts where the pathogen attempts to invade, so that the cell wall of these parts is thickened, thus effectively preventing the invasion of the pathogen.
(2) Bacillus can also induce physiological and biochemical changes of host plants, accumulate relevant proteins, and produce hydrolases and oxidase (such as chitinase β- 1.3 glucanase and peroxidase) to inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria.
(3) Bacillus cereus can secrete superoxide dismutase (SOD) and make plants resistant to pathogenic bacteria.

Trichoderma harzianum

1. Competitive effect: Trichoderma harzianum grows rapidly around the root and leaf circumference of the plant, seizing the site on the surface of the plant, preventing the pathogenic fungi from contacting the root and leaf surface of the plant, so as to protect the root and leaf of the plant from the infection of the above pathogenic bacteria. 2. Heavy parasitism: in the process of interaction between Trichoderma harzianum and pathogenic bacteria, the metabolites secreted by the host hypha make Trichoderma harzianum tend to grow towards the host fungi, and the host is recognized by Trichoderma harzianum, and the parasitic relationship will be established. After Trichoderma harzianum recognizes the host fungi, Trichoderma harzianum filaments grow in parallel and spiral winding along the host hypha, and produce attached cellular branches that are adsorbed on the host hypha. By secreting extracellular enzymes, Trichoderma harzianum dissolves the cell wall, penetrates the host hypha, absorbs nutrients, and then kills the pathogenic bacteria. 3. Antibiotic effect: Trichoderma harzianum secretes some antibiotics, which can inhibit the growth and colonization of pathogenic bacteria and reduce the harm of pathogenic bacteria. 4. Plant growth regulation: Trichoderma harzianum colonizes plant roots and produces compounds that stimulate plant growth, improves the microenvironment of roots, enhances plant growth and disease resistance, and improves crop yield and income. 5. Inducing plant resistance and initiating plant defense response

Trichoderma harzianum metabolizes and produces xylanase. Under the action of xylanase, plants have obvious defense reaction, K +, H +, Ca2 + ion channels open, ethylene synthesis and PR protein accumulation. Trichoderma harzianum produces chitinase and β- 1,3-glucanase plays an important role in plant pathogenic fungi. Trichoderma harzianum starts the plant defense response, leading to the production and accumulation of phenolic compounds and lignin related to disease resistance. The protease produced at the same time can degrade the pathogen that digests the plant cell wall, directly inhibit the germination of the pathogen, inactivate the enzyme of the pathogen, and prevent the pathogen from invading the plant.

Paecilomyces lilacinus

1.Promote plant growth
Paecilomyces lilacinus can produce rich derivatives, such as indole acetic acid products. The most significant physiological effect is to promote the growth of plant roots and plants at low concentrations. The colonization of Paecilomyces lilacinus in plant roots can not only significantly inhibit nematode infection, but also promote the growth of plant vegetative organs, and also promote the germination and growth of seeds.
2. Paecilomyces lilacinus produces a variety of functional enzymes. Chitinase can degrade chitin. It can promote the hatching of Nematoda eggs and improve the parasitism rate of Paecilomyces to nematodes. In addition, it also produces cell lysis enzyme, glucanase and silk protease to promote cell division.
3. Degradation effect
Paecilomyces lilacinus can promote the dissolution of insoluble phosphate, the solubilization effect of Paecilomyces lilacinus is 30%, and the antagonism of nematodes is 20% ~ 40%.
4. Paecilomyces promotes the decomposition of many chemical polymers (such as pesticides, tannery wastewater, etc.) and has environmental protection effects.
5.After Paecilomyces lilacinus contacted with the egg sac of nematode, in the viscous matrix, the hypha of biocontrol bacteria surrounded the whole egg, and the end of the hypha became thick. The surface layer of the egg shell was broken due to the activity of exogenous metabolites and fungal chitinase, and then fungi invaded and replaced it. At the same time, it secretes toxins to kill nematodes.

Bacillus thuringiensis

Insecticidal (including root knot nematodes, the best effect on arthropods such as Lepidoptera)
Bacillus thuringiensis can be used as a low toxicity insecticide of microbial origin, mainly for stomach toxicity. The bacteria can produce two kinds of toxins, endotoxin (parasporal crystal) and exotoxin, which make the pests stop feeding, and finally the pests die due to starvation, cell wall rupture, blood corruption and neurotoxicity; However, the exotoxin acts slowly, and its effect is obvious during molting and metamorphosis. These two periods are the peak of RNA (ribonucleic acid) synthesis. The exotoxin can inhibit DNA dependent RNA polymerase. The effect of this medicine is slow, and it can only take about 2 days after the insect takes it, and the effective period is about 1 day. Therefore, it should be used 2-3 days earlier than the conventional chemical agents, and the effect is better in the early stage of the insect. It is safe for fish and bees, but highly toxic to silkworm.
Bacillus thuringiensis preparation mainly has good control effect on some lepidopteran insect larvae, and can be used to control cabbage worm, rice bud worm, geometrid, pine caterpillar, tobacco green worm, corn borer, cotton bollworm, rice leaf roller, coir moth, ground tiger, etc. The insecticidal principle is that Bacillus thuringiensis is parasitized in the midgut of the host after being eaten by the insect. It grows and reproduces in a suitable alkaline environment in the gut. The crystal toxin is hydrolyzed by the protease in the gut of the insect to form a smaller subunit of toxic effect. They act on the upper skin cells of the midgut of the insect, causing intestinal paralysis, perforation, paralysis of the insect and stopping feeding. Subsequently, Bacillus thuringiensis enters the blood cavity to reproduce, causing leukaemia and leading to the death of the worm.
Bacillus thuringiensis can fully play its role when the temperature is high (above 20 ℃), so the application effect is best from July to September; The suitable period of application is generally 2-3 days earlier than that of chemical pesticides.

Bacillus mucilaginosus

Dissolve Phosphorus, release potassium, fix nitrogen, secrete a variety of enzymes, and enhance the resistance of crops to some diseases
Bacillus glialis can produce carbonic anhydrase, which can fix carbon dioxide. At present, this kind of bacteria is the best strain used as biological fertilizer to promote the transformation of ineffective phosphorus and potassium in the soil, increase the supply of phosphorus and potassium in the soil, and improve the crop yield. The strength of Bacillus glialis for phosphorus, potassium and silicon hydrolysis is super strong.
1. It can decompose potassium and silicon in feldspar, mica and other minerals, and can also decompose phosphorus in apatite. It has the functions of dissolving phosphorus, releasing potassium and fixing nitrogen. At the same time, it can produce organic acids, amino acids, polysaccharides, hormones and other substances conducive to plant absorption and utilization during growth and reproduction.
2. After propagating in the soil, it secretes plant growth stimulating hormone and various enzymes to enhance the resistance of crops to some diseases; But also inhibit the growth of other pathogens.
3. The potassium in the cell is free after the cell dies and can be absorbed and utilized by plants. As an important functional bacteria in microbial fertilizer, it can improve the content of soil available potassium and phosphorus, and improve crop yield and quality.
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