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According to the actual production output and site, if the capacity is large and the site is small, it is recommended to use the tank fermentation tuner. If the capacityis small and the site is large, the ground production turner can be selected.

About the fertilizer machine
Question by customer Answer by marketing person
How to select the equipment for fermentation and tipping in the early stage of production According to the actual production output and site, if the capacity is large and the site is small, it is recommended to use the tank fermentation tuner. If the capacityis small and the site is large, the ground production turner can be selected.
Selection method of crushing equipment There are two kinds of crushing equipment: 1. Vertical crusher: crushing materials with large moisture and large blocks; 2. Horizontal crusher: finished organic fertilizer materials with dry moisture
What is the stack width of Model 2000 turning machine? How many blades are there The stacking width of Model 2000 turner can reach 2m, with a total of 52 blades
How big is the screen above the drum screen? The screen above the drum screen is 3-5mm
Which is better, turning the pile with a forklift or turning the pile with a tuner machine Use the turner machine to turn the pile. The turner can break and mix evenly in the process of turning the pile, but the forklift does not have these advantages
What is the fuel consumption of the 2m walking Turner? During normal driving, the fuel consumption is about 2 liters per hour
With so much horsepower, why can't the material turn over when the moisture content is higher                 1. During the first turn, try to turn the stack at high throttle and low gear. 2. Turn the material according to the height of the stack. 3. Try to reduce the presence of impurities in the stack
What should I pay attention to when I buy the model 2000 turner? 1. Shift into gear at speed 2. Oil the moving parts frequently 3. Maintain frequently
Disadvantages of forklift Turner 1. Dust pollution 2. Immature technology 3. No stacking in the process of turning over, wasting site 4. Oil consumption
How many  types of ground walking turner? There are two types of ground walking Turners: wheel type and crawler type
Advantages of walking turner 1. Simple operation 2. Strong practicability 3. Simple maintenance 4. Strong stability 5. Low investment 6. Fast fertilizer formation and large output
What is the driving speed of the ground Turner under working condition In the working state, the driving speed of the ground Turner is 7.58 M / min
If the annual output of organic fertilizer is 5000 tons, which model should we choose It is OK to choose the 2000 model 35 horsepower turner.
The difference between crawler turner and wheel turner 1.The crawler turner can turn 360 degrees in place during driving, which is convenient for operation. 2. The crawler turner is more anti-skid
Drum screening machine, how many revolutions can it rotate in a minute Under normal working conditions, the drum screening machine can rotate 22 turns
How much does it cost to produce 10000 tons of granular organic fertilizer per year? What equipment is required If the annual output of 10000 tons of granular organic fertilizer is about 700000 tons, it needs a turner machine, silo, crusher, screening machine, premixer, granulator, dryer, cooler and packaging machine (including rotary crusher and screening machine)
What are the advantages of your new granulator? It is universal to raw materials, but it will require appropriate moisture. You can bring the raw materials to the site for granulation
What are the advantages of crawler turner over wheel turner? The crawler turner is anti slip and suitable for all kinds of ground. Wheel has no such advantage, but the price is cheaper
Can the company issue a feasibility plan We can give you a general feasibility plan, but if you want to report the project, we will also give you a project plan. You can simply modify it. You also need to find a professional organization to do it yourself
How many workers does the 10000 ton organic fertilizer factory need? Generally, five or six workers are enough. It's very labor-saving. Our machines can be mechanized
Can you make a production line with an annual output of 200000 tons ? Can do it. You can visit our company to see if our strength can meet your expected requirements.
The specific process of turning over the pile during production, and under what circumstances? As for the problem of pile turning, the basic operation needs to be based on the actual situation. Generally speaking, there are the following situations.
1. Conventional operation, suitable temperature, strain fermentation, normal temperature rise, continuous high temperature for 4-5 days, and turning the pile once in 4 days, and turning the pile 2-3 times in a cycle
2. The temperature is low. After 3 or 4 days of continuous high temperature, the internal temperature of the reactor decreases, indicating that there is not enough oxygen in the reactor and it is necessary to turn over the reactor for oxygen supply. This situation is common. Basically, turn over the reactor 3-4 times in a cycle.
3. The temperature is relatively high, and the high temperature lasts for more than 10 days, with no downward trend. At this time, the physical cooling method should be adopted, and the pile should be turned and thrown several times with the Turner, or the pile body should be spread out for forced cooling. Prevent nutrient consumption at high temperature for a long time.
4. Without temperature rise, the reactor body has no temperature rise trend for more than 24 hours. It is recommended to turn over the reactor, re stir and adjust the water content.
 Can you plan the site? All right! But I still think you'd better go to our company to investigate our concept. If you think we are capable of undertaking your project, we'll go to you and give you a site planning scheme
How long is the equipment maintenance period? The warranty period is one year, and the maintenance period is life-long. However, when maintenance is needed, you will be paid for labor, and spare parts will be given to you as factory parts at no additional cost
Is technology free?How do you need to cooperate The technology is completely free, and our supporting products will be cost-effective. don't worry! We can have an interview for specific cooperation methods, or you can put forward a written request to us
Is it necessary to harden the land for the installation of organic fertilizer production line? As long as the ground is not particularly hard, there is no problem to ferment directly on the soil ground, which can save costs
Which is better, the ground turner or the tunnel turner Each has its own advantages. In addition to the price difference, the ground turner needs a driver and occupies a large site. However, due to the rapid evaporation of water in three-sided contact with air, the tunnel turner can more easily realize automatic large-scale production, but the water evaporation is relatively slow during fermentation
Vertical crusher is better than horizontal crusher ? Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. The vertical crusher has high efficiency, large particles after material crushing, and the horizontal crusher has good crushing effect, low efficiency, slow discharge, and it is easy to get stuck if there is too much feeding;
Is the mixer vertical or horizontal ,which is better? At present, only one mixer is produced, single shaft double rotary premixer (horizontal), 0.7m x 2.5m, 7.5kW. Relatively speaking, horizontal mixer is more convenient to add water and mix evenly
Roller screen or sliding screen ,which is better At present, only drum screen  produced, and the failure rate of sliding screen is too high, which has been eliminated;
There are too few blades in your crusher The number of blades determines the particle size after crushing. More blades have good crushing effect, but the output is low;
What is the horsepower of the turner Model 2000 wheeled 24 kW. 2300 crawler 40 kW, 2600 crawler 63 kW, 2800 crawler 93 kW, 3000 crawler 93 kW. 2600 wheeled 43 kW,
What is the weight of each turner. 2600 crawler 3180kg. The parameter is a single sales item and does not belong to batch technical parameters
What is the production capacity of each Turner 2000 Type 360 m3 / h 2.3 crawler 570 m3 / h 2600 type 620 m3 / h 2.8 crawler 760 m3 / h 3000 type 1091 m3 / h parameters are publicity pages for reference only and do not belong to professional batch production parameters
What is the width and height of each turner machine 2000 type is 2m wide and 0.8m high. 2300 type is 2.3m wide and 1.1m high. 2600 type is 2.6m wide and 1.1m high. 2800 type is 2.8m wide and 1.2m high. 3.0 type is 3M wide and 1.6m high
What are the overall dimensions of the Turner 2000 /2350 * 3250 * 2200 crawler 2300/ 2800 * 3500 * 2850 wheeled 2500/ 2400 * 2950 * 2650 2800 crawler /2900 * 4050 * 3100 crawler 3000/ 3420 * 4000 * 3400
What is the brand of each engine of the turner 2000 Weichai /2300 quanchai/ 2800 4102 Yunnei 30004 bta3.9-125 Cummins parameters are publicity pages for reference only and do not belong to professional batch production parameters
What is the traveling speed of the Turner 2000 wheeled 7.58/min 2300 crawler 0-8m / min2500 wheeled 50M / min 2800 crawler 0-8m / min3000 crawler 0-10m / min
What are the uses and characteristics of the turner? It is a special machine designed for the production and fermentation process of organic fertilizer, which can evenly turn and close the materials, with simple operation and site saving.
What kind of working bearing is used for stirring of the upender . Blade type and stirring cage type
How many kinds of crushers are there? What's the weight. Work ability. It is divided into vertical crusher and horizontal crusher, with a vertical weight of 560kg and a horizontal weight of 450kg. The parameters with unknown production capacity are promotional pages, which are for reference only and do not belong to professional batch production parameters.
There are several types of premixers, how much they weigh and how large their working capacity is. There are two types: vertical and horizontal. The vertical weight is unknown. The horizontal weight is 1.3t, 1.5T and 2.0T. 0.5-1t for vertical and 1.5T per hour for horizontal. The parameters are promotional pages, for reference only, and do not belong to professional mass production
Granulator is divided into several types, how much weight and working capacity. It is divided into disc and spiral stirring granulation. The weight is unknown. The disc is 1-1.5t and the spiral is 3-5t. The hourly parameters are publicity pages for reference only and do not belong to professional batch production parameters
Drum screening several, how much weight, how much work capacity. Gs1.1 * 3.1.2 * 4.1.5 * 4. Unknown weight, production capacity 2-3.3-5.5-8. The hourly parameter is a publicity page for reference only and does not belong to professional batch production parameters
Packaging machine is divided into several types, how much weight, how much work capacity. Rypd50.rylx50. Weight 200 kg, production capacity 300-600 bags per hour. The parameters are promotional pages, for reference only, and do not belong to professional batch production parameters
Belt conveyor is divided into several types, weight and service life. Pd50. Weight unknown. Production capacity 2-3.3-4.4-5.5-6.6-7 per hour.
What is organic fertilizer Organic fertilizer is harmless and kills harmful bacteria. It is a commercial fertilizer that decomposes and transforms organic proteins in a short time, has no odor and is easy to transport.
What is the difference between crawler turner and wheel turner and how to choose The turning radius of the crawler turner is small, the site is relatively small and will not be affected. It can turn and turn around in place. It will not be affected in case of wet and slippery site, and there will be no walking slip. Compared with wheel turner, it has high cost performance.
What are the advantages of your equipment over your peers ? We pursue long-term cooperation with customers, not just selling equipment. We hope to achieve cooperation in later technical services and strain products. Therefore, our product quality and after-sales service are guaranteed. We don't do one order trading. The materials of the parts and components selected for the equipment are very good. The equipment is very practical and durable.
Is a tunnel turner better than a ground tuner? It depends on the site. If the site is limited in the south, it is recommended to use tunnel turner. If there is a site, it is still recommended to use ground type. There is no need to engage in civil engineering. The equipment can be put into production immediately after it is transported.
Is the production cost of ground turner high? What is the fuel consumption Not high. According to different models, taking Model 2000 as an example, the processing capacity is about 400 m3 per hour, and the fuel consumption is only 35 HP
Is it better to make powdered organic fertilizer or granulation? According to your local market situation and the planned investment size of the customer, listen to the expectation of the customer. If you don't want to invest too much, give him suggestions to make powder and increase the equipment according to the sales volume.
Is your turner machine hydraulic? . In this case, the customer should have inquired about the market and knew that the turner has hydraulic pressure. The answer is yes. He asked what model he wants and how much he plans to invest. If he understands the full hydraulic pressure and wants to spend hundreds of thousands to buy one, he will introduce our full hydraulic turner machine. If he wants to spend tens of thousands of yuan to buy one, he will recommend our mechanical hydraulic pressure, Tell him that our turner machine are all automatic liquid lifting. They are mechanically and hydraulically operated. It is very convenient to turn and walk. The  turner machine can be automatically hydraulically lifted, with large output and low energy consumption. The national joint guarantee diesel engine
Which kind of granulator is better ? Disc granulation has low energy consumption and small initial investment. During granulation, a little humic acid is added to increase the material viscosity. Spiral stirring teeth can granulation without adding adhesive. Double mode granulation, extruding first and then throwing round, with uniform balling and high strength. It can be used as biological fertilizer without considering drying.
How long is the warranty period . Vulnerable parts are guaranteed for one year free, and other aspects are guaranteed for life. It's OK to pay for spare parts. What we pursue is long-term cooperation with customers, and the after-sales service must be better than that of other manufacturers
What is the power and processing capacity of the tunnel turner According to different models, the turning power of the whole tank is basically 15-19-26 kW, and the energy consumption is not very high. The working speed is 50 meters per hour, and the average electricity charge is 10 cents per ton of organic fertilizer.
Output, fineness, power According to different models, The power is different, basically 15 kW - 22 kW, which can be crushed to 50 or 60 mesh, 8-10 tons per hour.
What equipment is needed for an annual output of 10000 tons of organic fertilizer? Turner machine, silo, vertical crusher, roller screen, conveyor, mixer, granulator, polishing machine, dryer, cooler, grading roller screen, horizontal crusher and packaging machine
What's the difference between your stacker and turner? Generally speaking, the same machine with different name, but in theory, the upender is mainly designed for material mixing and upending, and most of them use fixed upender. In theory, the upender is generally suitable for walking machines. The walking upender mainly has fast speed and large material turnover. Good crushing effect.
Are you the manufacturer of turner machine? Yes, our company specializes in producing organic fertilizer production supporting equipment. The turner machine is only a kind of equipment for early fermentation in organic fertilizer plan
What's the difference between ground turner and tunnel turner? The ground Turner mainly works in the way of tire and crawler walking, with simple operation and large processing capacity. The trough Turner is also called fixed Turner. It is mainly used in farms, places with more rainy weather in the south, and large-scale enterprises invested by the government.
How many granulators do you have? Disc granulator, stirring granulator, extrusion granulator
What mixers do you have? Disc mixer, horizontal mixer
I want to build a powder organic fertilizer production line. What equipment do I need? Turner machine, silo, vertical crusher, roller screen, conveyor, mixer, dryer, cooler, grading roller screen and packaging machine
What equipment must be used to produce organic fertilizer now? Turner machine, powder screening machine, conveyor, silo, crusher, packaging machine
What types of shredders do you have? Vertical and horizontal crushers
How many models are there for the ground turner? 2 kinds; 1. Tire turner, 2. Crawler turner, respectively: small, medium and large.
How many types of trough/tunnel turner are there?. 1.Continuous turner/stacker, 2. Full trough tuner/stacker, 3. Screw turnre/stacker, 4. Chain plate stacker
How large is the site for an organic fertilizer plant with an annual output of 10000 tons? ≥ 15000 square meters
What are the raw materials for the production of organic fertilizer? Chicken manure, pig manure, cow manure and all related organic materials.
How many kinds of drum screening are suitable for organic fertilizer plants? Sliding screen, vibrating screen and drum screen; At present, roller screen has strong stability in organic fertilizer production.
What are the vulnerable parts of the stacker? Blade, chain
What is the difference between disc granulator and extrusion granulator? Disc granulator, agitated granulator and drum granulator mainly rotate by the friction of the material itself. Naturally roll into a ball, the ball forming rate is relatively low, and the particle hardness is not strong. The extrusion granulator is mainly used to make the material columnar by the template. It is thrown into a ball by the throwing machine. The ball forming rate is relatively high and the output is limited.
What are the advantages of extrusion granulator? High balling rate, uniform particles, less return materials and strong particle hardness, suitable for long-distance transportation.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of disc granulator? Large production capacity, low investment cost, disadvantages: low balling rate, low hardness, many returned materials, and difficult long-distance transportation.
What is the difference between organic fertilizer equipment and compound fertilizer equipment? Organic fertilizer itself has a wide range of materials, including fiber materials, rough materials, high requirements for equipment, single raw materials of compound fertilizer and delicate materials. Therefore, the design principle of organic fertilizer equipment is very different from that of compound fertilizer.

About the composting strain
Q by customer A by marketing manager
Why is your strain so expensive? Boss, you get what you pay for. There are many cheap strains in the market, and the quality is different. Some ferment 5 tons, some ferment 8 tons, and ours ferment more than 10 tons. You sound expensive. In fact, how much is it per ton? We are not expensive in accounting. We have many customers all over the country, so we are recognized because the product quality is stable and reliable.
Your strain temperature raising is not as good as others The strains that heat up very fast on the market are generally composed of pure high-temperature strain, which heat up quickly and cool down quickly, and are easy to decay incompletely. Our strains are compound bacteria, mainly high-temperature bacteria, medium temperature bacteria and low-temperature bacteria, Continue to play a chain role, and finally the maturity is higher. Under the banner of high and fast temperature rise, some manufacturers are actually fooling those who are not knowledgeable. If you are the boss, you must know the shortcomings of such products. Do you think so?
Do you have deodorization function? Of course, general organic fertilizers are made of livestock manure and sludge, which are relatively smelly. They are finally sold as commodities. Deodorization is a major feature, so please rest assured that you will be satisfied.
What are the advantages of your products? Rapid temperature rise and good deodorization can improve the available nutrients of raw materials.
Can your strain be used in winter?  As long as the raw materials are not frozen, as long as our strains are added to the raw materials, they can ferment, because the fermentation temperature is much higher than the outside temperature.
We already have fixed cooperative manufacturers for strains Gradually guide the customer to talk about the fermentation advantages and disadvantages of the product he is using, especially to confirm whether there is a price advantage. Finally, judge whether there is room for cooperation. According to different situations, we can see whether we have mailed samples to him. When the output is large and our customers are interested in trying our products, we can go to the site to do technical tests.
First send a technician to do an experiment for me to see how it works Boss, no problem, but I need to know your specific situation and what raw materials you use? What are the excipients? Do you make organic fertilizer for yourself or others? (first understand the actual situation of the other party and try to let the customer pay first, even if it is to buy some samples. At least have more opportunities for cooperation). There must be a fee for us to go out. Do you think we can advance some samples and I can report to the leaders? What do you think?
Your fermentation period of 15 days is too long Generally speaking, the harmless fermentation can be completed in one week, but considering the nutrients, we generally recommend fermentation for ten days to half a month, which fully considers the effect of fertilizer. There are many things that really need a process to do well. For example, it takes 21 days for hens to hatch chicks. Less than time is premature. The same is true for us to make organic fertilizer.
Your strain content per gram is too low The amount of fermentation products depends on the microbe content. The largest amount of fermentation per kilogram in the market is 10 tons. Our products are like this. Other manufacturers claim that the microbe content is very high, but the amount of raw materials for fermentation per kilogram is not greater than ours. It is obviously bragging
Do your strains smell when fermenting? That's just the marketing strategy of individual manufacturers. Under normal circumstances, there is no odor after fecal fermentation. Fertilizer is not used for eating
Your strain deodorization is not good! Deodorization is a major feature of our products. We have too many customers all over the country, and some customers report that the deodorization effect is not good. After our investigation, it is because the fermentation is not complete or it is easy to smell when the water is large. Maybe there is a problem in a certain link of your fermentation. Go back and see if it is water and other problems?
Your strain fermentation is too slow! Normal fermentation is a chain reaction of high temperature, medium temperature and low temperature bacteria, which needs reaction time and works step by step. That kind of fermentation is very rapid. Generally, the fermentation temperature is high, the time is relatively short, and the fermentation with too fast water evaporation is easy to be incomplete.
How many kinds of microorganism does your strain contain? There are about ten kinds of strain, mainly divided into bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes, yeasts, etc.
Are the strains used for different raw materials the same. The strains used in different raw materials are different, the vitality of strains is very different, and the compatibility of compound strain is also different. RWP has strong ability to decompose macromolecular proteins, such as chicken manure, pig manure and sheep manure; RWC corrosion promoter is suitable for fermentation products with high crude fiber content and high maturity, such as cow dung.
There is still smell after fermentation (some customers refer to stink odor) During fermentation, nitrogen volatilizes and converts into ammonia, which is a normal taste, not a bad smell.
The fermentation cycle is a little long, can it be shortened Normal materials can be heated to above 55 ℃ for 7 days. In this way, the harmless treatment, the transformation of macromolecules in raw materials into small molecules easy to be absorbed by crops and the enrichment of nutrients are basically completed. We only propose to extend it for another 5-7 days because Nutrients Change in a curve during fermentation, Through our monitoring, the nutrient content can reach the highest value in about 15 days.
Is there any difference between base fertilizer after fermentation and seedling raising. There is no problem making base fertilizer after the normal fermentation cycle, but if making seedling fertilizer, the fermentation cycle should be extended as far as possible, taking the material no longer heating up under appropriate conditions as the standard. Generally, chicken manure, pig manure and other materials with high nutrients are not used for seedling raising, and the fermentation cycle is too long
Are the strain used for organic fertilizer, fish fertilizer and feed the same Different, their nutrient decomposition is different. RW serial strain(corrosion promoter) focuses on the decomposition of N, K and P and organic matter, while fish fertilizer strain and feed strain focus on the decomposition of protein.
What if the water is too large after fermentation During the fermentation process, if the temperature rises normally, the times of turning the pile can be appropriately increased to evaporate nutrients. In addition, if the site is large enough or the weather is dry, it can be dried, otherwise it should be put on the drying equipment.
Is it appropriate to add humic acid to adjust moisture during fermentation Inappropriate. The particle size of humic acid is too small. It can not absorb water when added to the raw materials, especially after mixing with feces, the water content is greater and the air permeability is worse. It is suggested that if the organic matter of raw materials is not high after fermentation, an appropriate amount can be added directly.
Why can't your temperature rise to eight or ninety degrees In the process of raw material fermentation, it is not the higher the temperature is the better. If the high temperature of 8 or 90 degrees is maintained for too long, the beneficial bacteria in the raw material will be killed and a lot of nutrients will be lost.
Why can't functional strain and  the  composter strain be added together for fermentation? Wouldn't it be easy Functional strain are generally some microbes that are not resistant to high temperature, and the fermentation process needs a continuous high temperature period. If added together, it will affect the survival of functional strain and lose the effect of adding functional strain.
Dried chicken manure sells very well without fermentation Without harmless treatment, raw chicken manure will bring some diseases and insect pests to the soil. In addition, after chicken manure is put into the soil, some miscellaneous bacteria will also reproduce and lead to anaerobic fermentation of chicken manure, resulting in the harm of seedling burning. We can do less fermentation first, and let old customers compare it when they use it, especially those in greenhouses. After one season's experiment in greenhouses, we must show the advantages of chicken manure fermentation.
Now the auxiliary materials are too expensive.Is there any other good way to replace them The materials screened in the processing process can be back filled and used as auxiliary materials for re fermentation.
Many customers use the straw ripening agent distributed by the government to replace the organic fertilizer starter The compatibility of strains is different. The microbe content of straw ripening agent is low, which can not achieve the effect of warming, harmless treatment and nutrient decomposition of starter. It is just a waste of trouble, and can not turn feces into organic fertilizer.
Your price is too high Customers must put aside the price per ton and start with the cost of one ton of fermentation. Some customers may not use one ton of fermentation agent a year. If this is clear, I believe our price is moderate.
Dealers of agricultural materials have an understanding of organic fertilizer First of all, the customer has a market and there should be some potential customers. If there is no problem in raw material collection, it can be suggested to build a small organic fertilizer plant with an initial investment of about 100000. The customers should be able to accept it and guide the use of certificates. I believe there will be great opportunities for cooperation.
Plantation For the recognition of organic fertilizer, if the purchase cannot control the quality, it is better to do it for its own use first. In this case, it is not recommended to purchase too many equipment, a small dumper and strains, and then consider the market promotion according to its own use and influence to expand the organic fertilizer.
Animal farm The treatment of breeding manure is an urgent task. First, start with the deodorization and harmlessness of the fermentation process. Our system is complete. We can not only provide production technology, but also plan the site and production process.
What materials do your company handle for fermentation products There are mainly two kinds of fermentation products in our company: one is RWP, which mainly deals with materials with high macromolecular protein content such as chicken manure and pig manure; One is RWC corrosion promoter, which mainly deals with materials with high crude fiber content such as sheep dung and cow dung.
Difference between aerobic compost and anaerobic compost Aerobic compost has the advantages of high temperature, complete matrix decomposition, short stacking cycle, low odor, large-scale mechanical treatment and so on.
Anaerobic composting uses anaerobic microorganisms to complete the decomposition reaction. The air is separated from composting, the temperature is low, the process is relatively simple, and there is a large amount of nitrogen stored in the product. However, the stacking cycle is too long, the odor is strong, the product contains impurities with insufficient decomposition, and the fertilizer efficiency is low.
Where does your company's technology come from? Our company's fermentation strain technology comes from Professor Li Ji of China Agricultural University
Four composting stages of aerobic composting 1. Heating stage 2, high temperature stage 3, cooling stage 4, ripening stage
What is the best carbon nitrogen ratio in the composting process? For (25-35): 1
What is the ratio of fresh materials to auxiliary materials? The moisture content of fresh materials is about 70-80%. The weight ratio of auxiliary materials is 3:1, the material is 3 and the auxiliary material is 1
What is the optimum moisture content for fermentation? How to judge the appropriate moisture The moisture content of the most suitable fermentation material is between 50-60%. The judgment standard is: hold it gently, hold it into a ball, and loosen it to naturally split three or four petals
Which bacteria are RW strain mainly composed of? It is mainly composed of bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes, yeast, Aspergillus, thermophilic bacteria, cellulose decomposing bacteria, etc
Causes of white hyphae in composting process White hyphae are mainly actinomycetes, which mainly live about 30 cm away from the surface and are white. Where mycelium grows, the color of fertilizer will turn black and the odor will disappear.
Executive standard of bio organic fertilizer? How many functional bacteria do you need to add to meet the standard of bio organic fertilizer? The executive standard of bio organic fertilizer is: ny884-2012. If you want to produce bio organic fertilizer to meet the national standard, you need to add our company's functional bacteria with a content of 20 billion / g per ton of fertilizer
What is the main composition and content of functional strain 1. Phosphate solubilizing microbes: Bacillus megaterium 2. Nitrogen fixing and potassium solubilizing microbes: Bacillus Jiaodong 3. Antibiotic and growth promoting microbes: Bacillus licheniformis. The functional microbes produced by our company mainly include 2 billion / g and 20 billion / g
What Should we pay attention to if the raw material is garlic residue? Because there is allicin in the garlic residue material, which is specially used for sterilization, it must be pressed with lime for 24-36 hours before fermentation
If the raw material is furfural residue, what should be paid attention to? The acidity and alkalinity of furfural need to be tested in the early stage. Generally, furfural residue becomes acidic. 15% - 20% quicklime needs to be added to adjust for 2-3 days before fermentation
What should be paid attention to in the selection of raw materials for tobacco leaf organic fertilizer? Organic fertilizer for tobacco leaves has low requirements for nitrogen and more requirements for boron, so pig manure cannot be selected in the selection of raw materials. Pig manure contains chlorine and cannot be used
If the raw material is distiller's grains, how to operate it? If the raw material is distiller's grains, the acid value of distiller's grains is 3-4, so 2% quicklime must be added and stacked for 3-4 days
What are the main components of underground pest fungi? Underground pest fungi are mainly Beauveria bassiana and subtilis
The number of times the strain is turned over during use 1. It rises to 55-70 degrees in 2-3 days and keeps turning the pile once in 3-2 days
2. The temperature rise in the early stage is relatively slow, so it is necessary to turn over the pile to let the water distribute, and then look at the temperature rise
If you need to make flower fertilizer and seedling fertilizer, what should you pay attention to in the process of strain use It is no different from other fermented materials, but the ripening cycle must be prolonged, at least about 60 days, and the ripening is complete
What's wrong with using your company's bacteria without heating up? W First of all, we should tell the customer that there is no problem with the quality of strains. However, in the process of use, we must operate according to the production process of our company. The following points are needed to analyze the situation that the temperature does not rise
1. First, judge the condition of materials: whether they are fresh materials or long-time materials, the addition of auxiliary materials to fresh materials, and the oxygen content in long-time materials
2. After adjusting the moisture content, the moisture content of the material needs to be grasped to see the status
3. Adding strains: whether to add strains in proportion
4. Fermentation stack and surrounding ventilation
Judgment criteria for completion of organic fertilizer fermentation 1. Color: Dark Brown 2. Shape: powdery 3. Taste: no odor
Can your strain be sprinkled in water and expanded It is generally not recommended to get the solid of our strains into the water. It is best to find some dry fine materials and mix them evenly. Of course, if you want to use water, we also have water-soluble starter with the same effect
Can your strain ferment 20 tons per kilogram Generally, from a scientific point of view, we only recommend 10 tons of fermentation, but our customer in Guangzhou actually fermented 20 tons per kilogram. Of course, we don't recommend this method
Can your strain ferment leaves and other materials? Yes, and the operation is not complicated. If the dosage is large, we will go to a professional to guide you
How to produce more white hyphae in the process of organic fertilizer fermentation? White mycelium is a kind of fermentation phenomenon that occurs only with appropriate raw materials and temperature. The absence of white mycelium does not mean that there are no microorganisms growing in it. Generally, materials containing crude fiber are more obvious. If white mycelium is required, we can prepare special bacteria according to different materials.
What strain are there in your composter fermentation agent The content is so high, so what is the most effective fermentation strain? Fermentation strain are mainly composed of Bacillus subtilis, yeast, thermophilic lateral bacteria, thermophilic actinomycetes, etc. Each kind of strain will play a corresponding role. Bacillus subtilis is mainly mesophilic bacteria, which can warm and decompose raw protein and starch. Yeast is mainly deodorizing, and other strains have corresponding roles. If our fermentation strain are operated strictly according to our technical requirements, it will definitely reach the national standard (ny525-2012)
What are the requirements and judgment criteria for material moisture when using composting starter The water content shall be controlled at 50-60%, and the judgment standard: those with strong water absorption, such as mushroom residue and straw powder, shall feel wet and loose
Spread out immediately; Poor absorbency, such as rice hull powder, cake fertilizer, and so on, grabbing a drop of water, loosening, and then scattered.
What are the requirements for material ratio (C: n) when using composter? The best C: n = 25-30:1. If C: n is not appropriate, it will appear: 1. The heating effect is not good during fermentation; 2. Pungent with ammonia Etc; 3. The pH value is not appropriate.
What are the requirements for pH value of materials when using composter strain? The pH value of 6-8 is the best. If the pH value is not appropriate, it will occur: 1. The heating effect is not good in the fermentation process; 2. Not fully decomposed.
Why is it not recommended to raise the temperature above 70 ° during the use of composster strain? The high temperature above 70 ° will cause the loss of material nutrition, especially nitrogen, and the number of effective viable microbes will be reduced, so the fermentation temperature should be controlled in time.
According to the requirements of bio organic fertilizer on the number of living bacteria, how to prepare bio organic fertilizer that meets the standard? If the number of viable strain is ≥ 20 million / g, add strain powder in proportion and control the water content to ≤ 20%. For example, add 1kg strain agent to 20 billion functional strain per ton.
Whether the higher the content of functional strain, the better? No, because there are other beneficial flora in the soil. If the content of certain flora is too high, it will destroy the microbial flora in the soil Ecological balance, similar to fertilizer damage.
Which strain agents of the company have the function of disease prevention and growth promotion? Bacillus subtilis, Trichoderma harzianum, Trichoderma viride, Bacillus licheniformis, jelly like bacillus, Bacillus megaterium, etc.
Which fungicides of the company have anti insect and insecticidal effects? Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae, Paecilomyces lilacinus, Bacillus thuringiensis, etc.
Precautions during the use of functional strain agents? 11. Direct sunlight and exposure are strictly prohibited; 2. Do not use with fungicides, pesticides and other pesticides; 3. Try to avoid using with chemical fertilizer.(The reason for this is item, that is afraid people can not control the moisture <20% , especially farmers in application, higher moisture will damage the strain ,actually in good monitored condition, the strain can mixing with NPK chemical fertilizer, like compound fertilizer manufacture ) 4. It is recommended to use it in the morning or evening. After use, it is better to water and cover it in time.
What are the reasons for bagging and heating after organic fertilizer fermentation? After fermentation, the water content was not controlled below 30%, and the phenomenon of secondary fermentation appeared.
What are the common raw materials for adjusting the pH value of materials? If the pH value is high, use potassium dihydrogen phosphate, calcium superphosphate, potassium sulfate, etc; If the pH value is low, use urea,Calcium carbonate (lime), etc.
What are the materials that can produce white hyphae during fermentation? Mushroom residue, crop straw, sesame cake, etc.
What are the possible reasons for not heating up during fermentation? 1. High moisture content and poor air permeability; 2. C: N ratio is not appropriate. 3. The pH of the material is too acid or alkali. 4. The material is too thin and airtight.
How to use strain agents correctly in the fermentation process? 1. Expand the volume of strain agent with auxiliary materials (such as mushroom residue, rice bran powder, etc.); 2. Directly sprinkle the strain agent on the main material (chicken manure, pig manure, cow manure, etc.); 3. Add auxiliary materials to adjust moisture; 4. Fully turn the pile and mix evenly; 5. The pile is ripe.
Four stages of fermentation and ripening? 1. Heating stage: decompose easily decomposed organic matter (simple sugars, starch, protein, etc.);
2. High temperature stage: at 60-70 °, a large number of thermophilic bacteria die or hibernate, repeated several times to achieve harmless treatment.
3. Cooling stage: thermophilic microorganisms become the dominant species, decompose difficult to decompose organic matter, and enter the maturity stage.
4. Fertilizer retention stage: compact the pile body, and the organic components are in anaerobic state to prevent mineralization.
Why should the pile be compacted in the later stage of fermentation of organic fertilizer? Avoid secondary fermentation, because most macromolecular nutrients (nutrient elements) will be decomposed into small molecules after fermentation and ripening of organic fertilizer. If secondary fermentation occurs, the loss of nutrient elements will increase.
Why does the internal temperature rise after composting? How to avoid? The water content was not controlled within 30%, and the phenomenon of secondary fermentation appeared; Dilute the pile or control the water.
After ripening and drying at high temperature, does the beneficial bacteria still survive? After high temperature, some beneficial bacteria will be lost, but some bacteria forming spores will survive, such as Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis, etc.
The best use stage of functional strain agents? Before sowing or transplanting, it is directly applied to the soil with the base fertilizer, and the functional strain are first colonized in the soil.
How to reduce the loss of nutrient elements (nutrients) in the process of decay? 1. Turn over the pile in time to avoid high temperature above 70 °; 2. In the later stage of fermentation, press the fermentation pile to control water and avoid secondary fermentation.
What are the category of organic fertilizers Organic fertilizer is divided into ordinary organic fertilizer, biological organic fertilizer, organic-inorganic compound fertilizer, biological Strain fertilizer, special fertilizer for crops, etc
What is the executive standard of organic fertilizer Organic fertilizer NY525-2012,Bio fertilizer GB884-2012,Strain fertilizer GB20287-2006
What is the prospect of organic fertilizer China is a large agricultural country with a sown area of more than 2 billion Mu(666 m2) and a large market gap.
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