Organic waste aerobic fermentation flipper machine

Organic waste aerobic fermentation flipper machine

The reason why organic waste aerobic fermentation flipper machine is so called is that this equipment is a tipping equipment used in the aerobic fermentation of organic waste, and it is one of the commonly used composting equipment in the mechanized production of organic fertilizer.
The reason why organic waste aerobic fermentation flipper machine is so called is that this equipment is a tipping equipment used in the aerobic fermentation of organic waste, and it is one of the commonly used composting equipment in the mechanized production of organic fertilizer. Aerobic fermentation is a commonly used fermentation method in the production of organic fertilizer. The aerobic fermentation upender strip stamping upending operation with a high degree of mechanization and continuous upending operation can improve the ventilation and oxygen supply of triangular or trapezoidal stockpiles, therefore to speed up the fermentation and decomposition of materials and remove water. It has the functions of crushing, stirring, upending and stacking. Equipment type: agricultural waste utilization and treatment.

Equipment type: agricultural waste utilization and treatment equipment
Equipment name: organic waste aerobic fermentation flipper machine
Equipment model: RY-LFD-3000
Manufacturer: Hebi Renyuan Biotech Development Co., Ltd
Workflow of aerobic fermentation flipper machine
At present, the large-scale use of organic waste as raw material to produce organic fertilizer usually has two stages, the first stage is the rapid high-temperature fermentation stage, and the second stage is the post decomposition or aging stage.

When the production of aerobic composting is in the first stage, the soluble organic matter in the compost material flows through the self metabolism of microorganisms, so that part of the organic matter is oxidized into simple inorganic matter, and releases energy to provide the energy required for the self flow of microorganisms, so that the organic body can grow and reproduce normally and produce high temperature. That is so called high temperature composting.

At this stage, microorganisms in the heap must have enough oxygen to ensure their activity. Therefore, it is a necessary process for compost fermentation to increase the oxygen content in the material by turning the pile to make it loose and breathable. Due to the slow efficiency and high cost of manual turnover, the use of aerobic fermentation turner/ flipper machine instead of manual turnover not only improves the efficiency, also ensures the quality of turnover and reduces the cost of labor wages.
The machine is designed according to the principle of aerobic fermentation and adopts the ground self-propelled design. It has high efficiency, stable operation, flexible installation and simple operation. During driving, the whole vehicle rides on the long strip-shaped fertilizer windrow stacked in advance, and the auger and knife under the frame toss, fluff and move the fertilizer base raw materials. After the vehicle passes, it usurps into a new strip-shaped stack. It not only turn and pile up the materials evenly, but also loosen and crush the board lumps in the fertilizer heap after fermentation. It is a common supporting equipment for harmless treatment of livestock and poultry feces and fertilizer making operations.
The organic waste aerobic fermentation flipper machine has perfect process and compact structure. It adopts the ground aerobic composting and fermentation technology, and uses some beneficial microorganisms to promote the rapid decomposition of organic waste such as livestock manure, therefore the organic waste can be rapidly decomposed, sterilized, dewatered and deodorized, reaching the goal of resource, harmless and reduction treatment, and the fermentation cycle is short (7-8 days). The overall structure of the machine is reasonable, with good rigidity, balanced stress, simplicity, firmness, safe and stable performance, easy to operate, and strong applicability to the site. Except for the sturdy frame, all parts are standard parts, which are convenient to use and maintain.
Type of fermentation flipper: Efficiency: 350-580 m3 / h;
Structure type: ground walking type;
Overall dimension (length × wide × Height): 4170mm × 2800mm × 3250mm;
Structural mass:  4500kg;
Supporting power type:  internal combustion engine;
Supporting power: 103kW;
Transmission mechanism type: chain transmission;
Walking speed: 0-10m/min;
Stacking width: 3M;
Stacking height: 1.4m;
Pile turning device: screw and knife shaft type;
Walking type: crawler type;
Productivity:  350-580 m3 / h;
Unit energy consumption:  ≤ 25g/m3.
Pre treatment stage
Since the application of aerobic fermentation, it will basically be treated with Renyuan RWP composter strain. 1000 kg (1 ton) raw material heap requires 800-900 kg of livestock and poultry manure, together with about 100-200 kg of mushroom residue, sawdust, grain residue, etc. If the composter strain is added, 1000 kg of fermentation raw materials need to be added with 1 kg of organic RWP composter strain. During the fermentation process, pay attention to proper oxygen supply and stacking, and control the temperature at 55-65 ℃. The moisture of fermentation materials should be controlled at 60-65%.
Moisture adjustment
The water content of aerobic fermentation organic waste should be adjusted to 40-65%. Simple moisture determination method: put on gloves, hold the raw material tightly with your hands, see water between your fingers,if no water drops fall, loosen your hands, and the material will disperse immediately when it falls to the ground. If less water,then the fermentation would be slow, if more water, and poor ventilation, therefore, we must attain proper moisture content. When the moisture is too high, mushroom residue, straw, sawdust, dry mud powder, etc. can be added to adjust.
Ventilation process
In the aerobic fermentation process of organic waste, oxygen supply measures should be increased during operation. According to the needs, the oxygen reactor can be turned on for oxygen supply, and the oxygen dosing equipment can also be used for forced oxygen supply. It is advisable to turn the pile frequently, ventilate and stir evenly.
Work of organic waste aerobic fermentation flipper machine.
Generally, after 48 hours of raw material stacking, the temperature of the pile will rise to 50-60 ℃, and it can reach more than 65 ℃ after 72 hours. At this high temperature, it is necessary to use the fermentation pile Turner /flipper machine to turn the pile once. Usually, there will be 2-4 times of high temperature above 65 ℃ in the fermentation process, and the fermentation can be completed by turning the pile for 2-4 times. In sunny days, fermentation can be completed in a week. When the weather is bad, fermentation can be completed in half a month.When the fermented material turned dark brown,then the fermentation is completed, it begins to cool down. If it falls to normal temperature, it indicates that the fermentation is completed.
Aerobic fermentation cycle control.
The whole fermentation process can be completed within about 7-15 days under the appropriate temperature and moisture, according to the various geographic temperature and other factors. During the process, the organic waste can be deodorized, insecticidal, sterilized, and fully fermented.
It is suitable for various types of organic waste materials to be turned over and fermented. For example, viscous materials (livestock manure, biological sludge), loose materials (industrial organic waste, municipal biological waste, etc.), winding materials (straw, wheat straw, etc. are used for mushroom straw fertilizer fermentation).
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